Hi, I'm Conrad
Front-End Developer & C/C++ Programmer
Hello! I'm Conrad. A 22 year old digital enthusiast deeply passionate about breathing life into ideas, making them interactive and engaging. My tech adventure started when I was just 10, getting my hands on my first computer. That spark ignited a journey where I am currently delving into game development, web crafting, and mastering C/C++ programming.
When I'm not immersed in code, I'm probably diving into a game, catching up on the latest anime, or getting lost in a captivating book – always accompanied by a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, of course.
My philosophy? Never stop learning. Stay curious. Embrace the challenges that come your way. They're just stepping stones to the next big thing.
Tech Stack
My Journey
Welcome to my coding playground! This is where I've been putting my skills to the test and creating some cool stuff. Want to see more? Swing by my Github page for the full lineup.
If you've got questions, ideas, or just want to chat about the cosmos, drop me a line below. Looking forward to hearing from you! 🚀